Sensory Integration Therapy
Healing the nervous system and providing the child with the safe and secure foundation for healthy emotional and cognitive development
Every waking moment, children take in information through their senses, process that information, cross-reference it to past experience, and then make appropriate responses to the world around them.
In children with sensory integration disorders, their senses of touch, balance, proprioception, vision and hearing tend to overreact or under react causing an inability to stay present to the task at hand. This task can be academic, relational, body movement etc.
In my work, we are able to help fine-tune their senses, so that the child can have an accurate and balanced response to stimuli. As a result, the child has less anxiety, and increased adaptability; they feel safer in a variety of environments because they know what to expect and how to engage with their world in a creative and relational way.
Benefits of Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration Therapy can bring tremendous results. With the proper intervention, the child is able to:
Interact with their peers
Remain focused on a task until completion
Gain confidence in exploring new areas of skill
Follow classroom requirements
Be creative with new ideas
Use refined, fine motor skills for classroom activities
Express more joy in their everyday life